Okay, so today is the "big day"; its the release of my prestigious "BFG" theory. Please take the time to read my theory and let me know what you think.
BFG - Big Fat Ginger Theory
If i was a big fat ginger, and not a slim blonde, my life would be a lot easier. I believe this is so because if i were a big fat ginger, first of all, only the nice guys would see beyond my ugly exterior and want to come within 10 meters of me, thus avoiding me being played off/used/seen as a challenge, by any of the ecocentric, self obsessed men who seem to be the only men interested in me currently. Secondly, being a big fat ginger i would not be tempted to exploit my less pretty friends by "getting off" with guys that they fancy, and who I would otherwise have no interest in, this is both bitchy and regrettable. This would make me a much better friend, happier person and generally make my life a lot easier. Another valid point, is that if i was a big fat ginger, and any ecocentric self obsessed men did happen to accidently sleep with me whilst drunk at a party they would go out of their way NOT to let anyone find out, as opposed to how things are at the moment where it seems they are on a mission to let as many people know as is humanly possible. It is also important to remember that if i was a big fat Iginger, the only thing i would have would be my intelligence and i would therefore study harder, achieve better grades, get a better job etc. etc.
Considering all of the above reasons, i think i would be better off as a big fat ginger.