About this Blog

So this is my Blog and basically it contains all the goings on and thoughts of my days!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

ThOuGhT oF tHe DaY -

There is nothing i love more than MY FRIENDS =]

Okay, so the last week has been absolutely fabulous;

1* it snowed and i made bare amounts of snow angels

2* i spent all of my time with my fiends, sleeping in my bed a total of 1 time during the last 8 days, and even that was with 5 people

3* Went carol singing, earned bare dollar, felt festive and had a chinese meal with my carol singing palls; the meal cost us nothing because of the money we earned singing

4* Got my camera working and took many merry festive photos :) which are now covering my walls



  1. Be careful who you call 'friends'.
    And try to retain even a sliver of your identity as you revel in hypocrisy

  2. I'd just like to point out that comment is really creepy.
    That is all.
